Clinic-Based ABA Therapy Services

Full time and part time clinic-based services are provided at our clinic in Urbandale, IA.

Services provided in clinic allow for a more structured setting with less distractions, more direct supervision by a BCBA, more support for intense behavioral needs and more opportunities for group and social skills.

These services are typically covered by insurance. We are currently accepting Iowa Total Care, Amerigroup, Molina, Wellmark BCBS, and Health Partners. If you do not see your insurance on this list but are interested in services, please reach out.

While the amount of time that each child spends with us will vary and goals are highly individualized, sessions will have similar traits. All sessions include:


  • We include activities that each child prefers. This will look different for each child but our goal is to make the session enjoyable so that they want to spend time with us.

  • We have several work and play rooms that allow learners to move around the clinic, engage in a variety of activities, and interact with other learners and staff.


  • There are many types of strategies that we use. We focus on using as much positive reinforcement as possible and teaching children what to do instead of what not to do.

  • Work is mixed in with fun. Some children will rotate between table work and then play time while others will be learning within play activities.

  • All children will be one on one with a staff member. Depending on how long their sessions are, they may work with multiple staff members.


  • Staff are trained in the principles of Skills-Based Training (SBT) , developed by Greg Hanley. The strategies used in SBT allow us to provide assent-based and trauma-informed ABA for all clients, while focusing on safety, televisability (would we feel comfortable putting our sessions on public tv), and rapport.

  • We understand that our clients are unique and so it is very important to us that we teach skills that will help them live their best lives without getting rid of what makes them so awesome!




Parent Training